Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Transportation Problem In Supply Chain Management Computer Science Essay

Transportation Problem In Supply Chain Management Computer Science Essay Transportation assumes a significant job in Supply chain Management and my examination is on the issue that why this division is experiencing transportation emergencies what are the hindrances that are coming in these issues, I have seen that the correspondence organize isn't appropriately set up in gracefully chain so the progression of data was not conveyed. The other was the innovation issue, because of this there was a high possibility of robbery, psychological warfare, capture, and mishaps which effect was legitimately going ahead the items and the crude material which use to do from the maker to the last shopper. I have additionally seen that in flexibly chain the transportation likewise faces issue from the administration side that is increment in obligations force on conveying of item, increment in charge rate on the vehicles and furthermore increment in fuel cost. These whole issues which have been referenced have been giving exceptionally solid effect on the creation cost of the inventories. Arrangements being presented, for example, RFID, DSL CAMERAS, CELL PHONES and so on to shield stock from various catastrophes and so forth . With these issues, potential arrangements and proposal can comprehend significant issues in transportation in Supply chain. Chapter by chapter list Pages Unique 2 Presentation 4 Transportation idea model 5 Transportation capacities 6-10 Issues in transportation 11 Rundown of issues exist in transportation 11 Depiction of the issues 12-14 Arrangements of the difficult 15 Clarification of the arrangements 16 Transportation arranging and the board 17 The i2 Solution: i2 Transportation Planning and The executives 18 12.) Benefits of i2 Transportation Planning and Management can incorporate 19 13.) Benefits of i2 Transportation Planning and Management can incorporate 20 14.) Benefits of i2 Transportation Planning and Management can incorporate 21 Presentation The transportation and coordinations are basics in flexibly chain organize giving right amount stuff to the correct client at the perfect time and the opportune spot and at the correct condition. The expanding capacity to source ware and finish great from anyplace on the planet extends the area of the transportation to incorporate worldwide examination of flexibly chain structure and worldwide intelligent practices. As firm deliberately contend based on cost administration or time, transportation can assume integrative job in gracefully chain structures. All the more expansively transportation might be a perfect situation to incorporate and organize moves all through flexibly chain. The flexibly chain structure is regularly considered to speak to the hierarchical endeavors by at least three firms to oversee and incorporate material and related data streams so as to draw nearer to the client. This gracefully tie structure endeavors to arrange cross utilitarian exercises into comprehen sive business process both inside and across firms in the flexibly chain. As such consideration must be given to both the inner and outer client of the organizations. To limit all out cost and expand client esteem, transportation mix is basic inside flexibly chain. All in all integrative transportation includes getting the correct collections to the ideal spot in ideal condition at the ideal time all through the flexibly chain. Explicitly the gracefully chain structure characterizes and drive the transportation abilities of time pressure, unwavering quality, normalization, without a moment to spare conveyance, data framework backing, adaptability and customization. Transportation ideas Item/information Flows Client Provider Inbound Producer Outbound Information/Return Goods Flows TRANSPORTATION CAPABILITIES Time Compression Basic incorporation of the gracefully chain, for example, operational coordination and data sharing can lessen transportation time and accordingly all out flexibly chain costs. For instance, quicker travel time limits pipeline inventories and may permit clients to bring down security stocks held for possible later use. On the off chance that time pressure brings about increasingly visit conveyances, at that point cycle stocks additionally can be lower. Besides, time spared in conveyance saves time in different zones of the gracefully chain, which may additionally diminish all out expenses. Essentially, in the event that there is a postponement in another region of the gracefully chain, at that point transportation might be called upon to accelerate its presentation with the goal that process durations stay consistent. However, speed isn't really of incentive to the client if the old military shibboleth of hustle just a bit and hold up is working. Thus, in the nick of time (JIT) conve yance is significant, Maximizing stock speed and diminishing abide times are other time pressure techniques that include transportation. Speed alludes to how often stock turns every year, or the normal number of long periods of stock close by. For instance, transporter run course through stockrooms or cross-docking activities like not exactly truckload (LTL) engine bearer terminals instead of storerooms or client dissemination focuses should build stock speed and along these lines lower complete stock expenses. Activities and approaches that expansion transportation compartment speed will likewise lessen stock expenses. The entirety of the above time-pressure ideas reflect endeavors to accomplish operational proficiency utilizing transportations fleeting capacities. All things considered, operational arranging and reengineering may take into consideration transportation and data to fill in alternative for warehousing and stock expenses. Specifically, time pressure systems of sped up transportation, expanded stock speed, and least abide times can diminish pipeline stock, wellbeing stocks, and cycle stocks. Subsequently, all out gracefully chain expenses might be limited. Unwavering quality Auxiliary reconciliation, for example, specialized operational arranging and instrumental data sharing, additionally can cultivate transportation dependability, which can be characterized as decreased fluctuation of shipment times around the mean travel time. It is frequently increasingly significant that conveyance times be solid and reliable as opposed to exclusively quick. To accomplish combination, gracefully chain individuals rely upon solid conveyances for their own creation and deals endeavors. Conflicting flexibly execution can raise creation costs (for instance, by closing down a creation line) or cause lost deals through stockouts. What is the estimation of on-time conveyance if being late can close down a whole JIT creation line? Off kilter, in the present serious condition, both speed and unwavering quality are requested of transportation. Another component of transportation unwavering quality is the nonattendance of shipment misfortune and harm, which additionally is essential to gracefully chain execution. In spite of the fact that the immediate expenses to flexibly chain individuals from supplanting lost or harmed materials can be high, the backhanded expenses can be much higher. Among these roundabout expenses are lost deals, diminished client dependability, piece of the pie misfortune, creation down-time, and reordering costs. The unwavering quality of transportation is in this manner basic for gracefully chain joining. Inconsistent help that conveys halfway dispatched orders or potentially harmed articles can altogether expand flexibly chain costs. Normalization Normalization of transportation and coordinations procedures, practices, and approaches is a significant integrative ability. Normalization makes flexibly chain streams and exercises progressively unsurprising and less vulnerable to a special cases premise. Singular procedures, authoritative substances, and work force can act all the more proficiently regarding less hazard, time, work costs, hardware, or other flexibly chain assets. In the nick of time Delivery and Information Systems Support Structural joining, for example, operational getting ready for process improvement, permits transportation to be synchronized with other flexibly chain exercises and streams. Data frameworks support is likewise basic to encourage such integrative execution. For instance, consider transportation at a Saturn car plant where one outsider bearer handles 2,000 dock stops for each day at five-minute spans to correct purposes of interest on the creation line. This dispenses with warehousing and twofold taking care of, substitutes moving distribution centers, and empowers Saturn to turn stock in excess of 200 times each year. Conversely, unsynchronized transportation can make clog, disarray, and poor creation sequencing at a clients accepting docks. The outcomes can be misfortune and harm, wasteful creation and deals power endeavors, and additional time or additional work to deal with the anomalies. Hence, early shipments might be far more terrible than late conveyances. Along these lines, auxiliary mix through operational arranging, coordination, and data sharing can be imperative to accomplishing responsive JIT conveyance and data frameworks support. Adaptabilities Arranging and gathering to satisfy a minute ago client requests and to guarantee such auxiliary angles as vital coalitions or ordinary gatherings with clients to share data and decide their necessities can work in transportation adaptability for flexibly chain joining and absolute cost decrease. For instance, engine transporters and vehicle producers have together evolved side-stacking trailers to give adaptability regarding conveyance arrangement and to explicit focuses on the line. Besides, close by transporter worked JIT move through distribution centers utilize kitting activities and deferred adaptability in shipment planning. For uncommon nonrecurring, non-standard, or crisis circumstances, gracefully chain individuals may require changed shipment plans or surge shipments. These might be expected to satisfy a guarantee to a key customer, for unique advancements, for stock outs and substitution things, or basically to keep creation running. As a rule, absence of transportation ad aptability can raise stock conveying costs, requesting costs, the expense of lost deals, and creation costs. Altogether, these transportation capacities

Saturday, August 22, 2020

My Earliest Memory Essay examples -- Essays Papers

I have a famously awful memory even now, and I have no memory of it ever having been any better. Recollecting, I have sensibly clear and complete recollections for just the previous three years or somewhere in the vicinity, turning out to be progressively inconsistent and long winded the more established they are. On the far end, I likewise know about a lot of tales about by early stages that my folks have let me know. It is some place in this outskirt between embedded stories and fluffy recollections that I look in attempting to locate my most punctual memory. What I concoct is a memory from preschool, really a heavenly body of recollections encompassing that specific one, from a particular, brief timeframe period. Sooner or later, my preschool class was introducing a play about the fall, including a tune that, out of the blue, I portrayed the descending progression of sap inside the trees in anticipation of winter. I additionally recall eventually missing the exhibition due to a family get-away, to go outdoors in the Ozark heaps of Arkansas to a most loved campsite named Gunner's Pool (nearby a much second rate campsite, Barkshed, that my folks h...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Governance and Leadership Management

Question: Talk about theGovernance and Leadership Management. Answer: Portrayal and Evaluation of Project Governance Structure of Telstra Telstra has been a pioneer in innovation for the majority of the decade. Its pioneer work in the field of correspondence has been upsetting. It has made its imprint by making numerous forward leaps in innovation ( 2016). Commitment of Telstra to the Australian cloud administrations and media communications has been the aftereffect of sound task administration structure of the organization. Point by point portrayal of the structure of administration of Telstra is talked about underneath: Top managerial staff Telstra has chosen its Board individuals reasonably throughout the years that has caused this organization to develop better and at a quicker rate than its rivals in Australia. Starting at now Telstra has 12 center Board individuals out which 11 are center individuals and one executive who contribute in the dynamic of the organization in each part of business. Telstra has recruited its CEO who has an encounter of over 25 years. The CEO has aptitude in account, system advancement and business of media transmission items with an overall view.Telstra has likewise joined Business Improvement and Support unit for consistent development in the business thoughts. BIS was made by the organization some time back when there was a purge in the structure of Telstra and the organization was experiencing some between organization issues far and wide ( 2016). In any case, because of foundation of this unit Telstra picked up in its profitability and has gained devices and different projec ts that aids disentanglement of the business method. The organization has likewise changed its universal business arrangement to reap the advantages of advancing business needs in the abroad market. The Board has perceived the aptitude and experience of individuals and has assigned the reasonable portfolio to the concerned individuals. Telstra has been dealing with the three mainstays of business technique that is building development, get an incentive from the focal piece of the group and advance client assistance (Van sanctum Berghe 2012). Consistent audit is finished by the sheets to monitor the turns of events and to concentrate on business thoughts. Telstra has a powerful method for blending its enrollment in with differentiated field of execution for fitting equalization in the administration. The Board comprises of three standing advisory groups that are Nominating Committee, Remunerating Committee and Risk Audit Committee (Chhaochharia, Kumar and Niessen-Ruenzi 2012). The Bo ard is capable and is sexually impartial as it has included 40% agents of female sex among its non-official individuals. Undertaking and Portfolio Management Telstra is sharp in arrangement of Project Engagement structure that extents to the total life-pattern of the venture. This structure ranges from extent of the task, meaning of the undertaking to its conveyance. To screen this pattern of task Telstra has utilized Project Managers who are skilled in overseeing mind boggling and different activities for the usage of change and progress of assignments. Task Office of Management sees to the way that activities are finished and conveyed on schedule and with most extreme accuracy (Belloc 2012). Venture Managers are knowledgeable to follow the rules of task execution, for example, PRINCE2,PMBoK and PMI. They additionally give the hazard the executives methods to guarantee the mix of system arrangements. Experienced, talented and master venture supervisors steer the undertaking through business modules. They are specialists in start to finish conveyance of undertakings with extra pressure given to the advancement of necessities, the executiv es of configuration, citing and the board of usage (Karolyi 2012). Task and portfolio the executives is finished after specific strides by the supervisors of Telstra which are as per the following: Administration: This stage characterizes the venture structure, does ID of explicit assets and their duties and jobs. Change in the board of association: Stakeholders are told about the adjustment made in the undertaking. The executives of partners: Notification of changes in jobs and time allotments in the usage of the task to the concerned investors. The board if dangers and issues:This stage contains ID, observing, moderation and evaluation of dangers associated with the task. The board of value: Definition and consistence with the desires for the clients. Detailing of status: Consistent refreshing the status of undertaking including dangers included, financial plan and accomplishing achievements. Some different techniques and attributes of Project and Portfolio Management incorporates the accompanying perspectives: Arranging Execution and control Organization and Integration Testing and accreditation Information the executives Change Management Discharge and sending the executives Administration activity Occasion Management Security Management Administration detailing and improvement Connecting of Corporate Strategies and Projects Telstra has developed with quick pace in Australia and internationally. It has laid a lot of accentuation in development and connecting corporate procedures in execution of its activities. In compatibility of development and new plans to take into account the requirements of the client to flourish in the changing innovative world (Michelon, G. what's more, Parbonetti 2012). There are three procedures which are mostly trailed by Telstra to connect its tasks with fundamental business thoughts. There methodologies are talked about underneath: Improvement of Customer Support:The arrangement of client service is important for Telstra as it is a market driven organization, reactions and input of the clients become the foundation of companys development. More the clients will be happy with the administrations of Telstra more they will prescribe it to other people. In this system, key zones where clients discover issues is focused by legitimate getting ready for the simple entry to the clients. Representatives pay incredible accentuation in advising the clients about new advances that are enhanced (Armstrong, Balakrishnan and Cohen 2012). Telstra is referred to for giving modified product according to the prerequisites of the clients. These incorporate computerized choices, upgrade in stores and versatile. Induction of qualities from the inside: Customers of Telstra have a lot of dependence on the administrations and results of Telstra. Seeing the prominence and deals of its items Telstra has chosen to grow its systems by putting resources into it to give its clients the best experience available.Core system of Telstra likewise bolsters the correspondence of other government associations of Australia. Prevalence of system has given an enormous number of clients of portable system (Brammer, Jackson and Matten 2012). New information plans and other high worth administrations has created a considerable income for Telstra. System Services and Applications:Portfolio of NAS gives, endeavors and business associations with government associations in Australia and programming contracts with security administrations and administration arrangements. With extension of administrations, Telstra has begun working in a joint effort with worldwide organizations, for example, IBM, Cisco, Amazon Web Services and VMware (Agrawal 2012). Administration of Individual Projects Telstra Company has given more accentuation on the improvement of programming advancements by accepting one anticipate as an individual substance. This technique for venture administration has demonstrated extremely valuable to the organization. It gives freedom to the workers to concentrate totally on each issue in turn. Additionally, it upgrades the effectiveness of the laborers as all the subtleties of the venture are isolated and an appropriate time window is accessible to finish the task. The representatives locate the best possible structure to finish the undertaking with every one of its substances and highlights coordinated (Cuat, Gine and Guadalupe 2012). Prerequisite investigation is done initially, after that partners inputs are taken for the venture to build a legitimate structure, at that point execution procedure is made, a period restriction is set to finish the undertaking, cost examination is done and chance investigation is likewise done and different techniques are additionally applied during the advancement of the task. Telstra has administered a few activities in the ongoing past which are: Telstra Ventures:It is a corporate funding bunch established by Telstra. This endeavor has put resources into new and creative advancements that have risen as of late and will be in advertise sooner rather than later. Telstra has put resources into high development openings that will yield significant yields to the organization. Moreover, Telstra has its rich resources that permits the organization to use these sort of speculation adventures (Hochberg 2012). Globecast Australia: Telstra has taken over thiscompany as of late to develop a more profound base in the media and correspondence administrations for broadcasting in outside nations also. Thinking great about the Globecast Australia that it has its compass in conveying specific media benefits and has establishes in nearby just as worldwide media business Telstra made this transition to obtain the organization (Morellec, Nikolov and Schrhoff 2012). This has given Telstra an edge over its rivals in the media business making it the media transmission mammoth of Australia. Authority With the historical backdrop of more than 14 years, Telstra has encountered crafted by six CEOs who have enormously contributed in the improvement of the organization in each angle. All the CEOs were hopeful, dynamic and had positive mood with a dream to accomplish significant standards for the organization. As media and telecom industry has experienced uncommon changes as of late and to adapt up to the change and develop simultaneously was not a simple undertaking. However, the executives of Telstra was consistently in acceptable hands through the excursion of the organization (Hazarika, Karpoff and Nahata, 2012). A top administration official who can be the CEO or some other individual from the board needs to adjust the stakes between the speculation made for sleuth

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Scholarship Essay Samples About Yourself - How To Get Them For Free

Scholarship Essay Samples About Yourself - How To Get Them For FreeThere are many different kinds of scholarships for students out there, and one of the most important ways to see if you qualify is to get some scholarship essay samples about yourself. Many people are wondering how they can get their hands on this free information. If you have done any research in the past about scholarships, chances are you have come across this type of information.In order to have some free information, you should be aware that there are many companies out there that provide this information for a fee. These companies give you unlimited access to their databases, and all you have to do is supply them with information such as your name, where you live, your email address, your phone number, your academic or employment information, and your hobbies and interests.The companies will give you unlimited access to their databases for a small fee. The one thing you want to be sure to do is to check the term s and conditions of the company before you purchase a scholarship essay sample, so that you are not overcharged or charged a fee that you will not be able to pay.So what exactly do these scholarship essay samples about yourself do? Well, that depends on how much information you provide.Free ones usually only provide you with information about yourself. This may include your name, your email address, your phone number, your college, your home town, your education, your profession, and your interests. Many of these will also include an online application form, which you can fill out by visiting the company's website, and then submit the form to have it immediately go through.Paid ones on the other hand, will let you go through the same information in your own time and then submit the form to have it instantly approved. Often, you will be able to apply for up to seven different scholarships at once. Free ones will often give you the complete application and requirements, but you will h ave to wait weeks before they go through the information for you. They will usually provide you with the information needed to fill out the application, but then it will be placed on hold, so that you can send it back. The paid ones will usually give you everything you need to fill out the application but then will allow you to go through it yourself.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Richard The Illusion Of Paradise And Fearlessness

Throughout The Beach, Richard is stuck in the illusion of paradise and fearlessness. Richard is lost in a fabricated world of his own doing that is being perceived as reality. Illusion has bewildered Richard, causing him to believe that he can run away from reality forever. Richard is convinced that the illusions he is captured by take higher status than reality itself. Alex Garland puts readers into the mind of Richard to reveal how he circumvents reality with illusion. Richard’s thoughts outside the beach are immediately hindered by an illusion of paradise from the beach, which Richard does not fully recognize until the true reality begins to emerge near the end of his stay. When Richard finds the beach, he is fascinated by how nobody in the community ever talks about their past lives before the beach. The people from the beach remain at the beach because they do not want to confront the reality that they have left behind, so there is no surprise to readers that the community does not like to talk about the outside world. Richard realizes that nobody in the community cares about what he has to say about the outside word and the problems he encountered there, because that is not their world anymore – their world is the beach, which Richard fully recognizes when he comes back from the rice run: â€Å"No one was even slightly interested [about the rice run]. A few asked, ‘How was it?’ †¦ but as soon as I began to answe r †¦ their attention became diverted by something† (190). At

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Current Correctional System and Rehabilitation - 934 Words

In 1929, the Federal Bureau of Prisons declared rehabilitation to be its fundamental goal. Do you think the current correctional system still holds rehabilitation as its number one goal? Why or why not? The goal of rehabilitation is an idealistic goal that is morally superior to the other possible goals of the correctional system. It was inspired by the belief that both inmates and society as a whole benefit more from the successful rehabilitation of convicted criminals than they benefit from punitive incarceration or by mere incapacitation (Schmalleger, 2009). After decades of social experimentation with criminal justice and corrections policies that incorporated and emphasized elements of rehabilitation over elements of punishment or mere incapacitation, the rehabilitation approach came to be widely perceived as having been a failure, largely by virtue of the very high recidivism rates of inmates during that time frame (Schmalleger, 2009). More recently, the American penal system s eems to have returned to the assumption that rehabilitating criminals is simply not a realistic goal on which to base national policies and practices. In the decades since the experiment with rehabilitation as the primary purpose of American penal systems, practices such as mandatory sentencing guidelines and three-strikes laws became more and more popular. In many respects, even judges have criticized the degree to which those types of laws limit their flexibility to apply judicialShow MoreRelatedThe United States Correctional System Essay830 Words   |  4 PagesUnited States Correctional System The United States correctional system is put in place for the time after a conviction to punish the convicted as well as get them ready to reenter society as a productive member. 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If you don’t it will lead to an early grave from stress† (Cowey, 2012). This statement is true from the highest position of authority to the lowest position. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) houses juveniles and adults that have been convicted to state prison and provides programs and services during their incarcerationRead MoreEssay about Correctional System1469 Words   |  6 PagesThe U.S. correctional system has come under critical public scrutiny which has corrections administrators scrambling to find ways to run effective correctional facilities. The reality of corrections administration today is that it is changing. Major issues of this changing environment include ongoing budget concerns, privatization, technology, overcrowding, program issues, personnel management, security issues, and legal issues. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Principle and Practices of Leadership and Management

Question: Discuss about the Principle and Practices of Leadership and Management. Answer: Introduction This is a critical essay focusing on the role of the leaders in the organization. The essay has focused on the duties of the leaders, key components of the leadership, strengths of the theories i.e. strength of trait theory and contingency theory of leadership, and opinions of the theories for leadership. Leadership can be described as the ability in an individual to lead the group of the people. There are many analyses regarding the leadership. Some researchers argued that leadership is the idea for the employees and some argued that this is the process to encourage the followers for giving good efforts and attaining the targets in the career. So, fundamentally this is the procedure to influence and encourage the team members of the organization to attain the common goals (Samad. 2012). Scope and limitations The role of the leader is very important in an organization. With the effective leadership, the organization cannot achieve the future growth and success in the competitive market. Every organization has some future objectives and to achieve those objectives are necessary for the future success. So leadership in the organization is important to manage and encourage the people to attain the set goals (Stein Nelson, 2003). The scope of this essay is show the importance of leadership by two different theories. The details of the theories and leadership has taken form the various researches and findings done by theorist. Roles or duties of leaders In each and every organization, leadership is the most important factor to determine the success and growth in the industry. Based on the various researches, it can be said that the leadership is a significant fact for the success of the business. The leadership is also significant for each and every business. Basically, leadership is about managing of the people of the organization by the leaders. For this, leaders have to set some goals and targets to motivate the employees in the organization. Along with this, leaders also make plans for the employees so that they can achieve those goals easily (Williams Foti, 2011). The leaders have very important duties in the organizations. Some of the roles or duties of the leaders are described below: Developing the culture of the organization- The key part of the leaders is to develop and generate the culture of the organization. It is the duty of the leader that employees perform well in their job role. If the set targets are not achieved then leaders develop cooperation between the employees and try to gather a group to achieve that mission. Further, a leader adopts the appropriate approaches and strategies so that the staffs in the organization cooperate with each other. So, the main duty of the leaders is to develop coordination among the employees in the organization (Marquis Huston, 2008). Ensure the group-effect- Leaders make sure that the employees put their maximum energy and resources to perform the tasks. By the effective and proper management and leadership, leaders motivate the employees to attain the goals of the organizations. Along with this, by the effective leadership, the leaders make sure about the availability of the resources and best use of those resources by the employees for getting best results in the business (Goleman, 2004). Planning for the business- The leaders set the schedules and make plans for the effective operations in the business. Leaders deliver the duties, roles and tasks to the employees so that they can be able to complete the task of the organization. Along with this, not only for employees, but leaders also builds the tactics to ensure that organization can get more achievements and progress in the operating market. Help to stay competitive in market- Growth is very essential for the business process in the operating market. Due to globalization, almost every organization is facing competition in the operating market. So, leaders are very helpful for the organizations to gain competitive advantage over the competitors by encouraging the employees to do their best. Leaders develop effective strategies for the business and develop talent in the employees. In other words, leaders develop the ability to gain competitive advantage in the organization (Yukl, 2010). Key functions of leadership Leadership is an important part for managing the organization. The activities of leadership include all level of management in the organization. There are many owners of the business who serve the organization as a leader. They have adopted new strategies and ideas for the business. This can be agreed by an instance of the company Amazon. In the Amazon, Jeff Bezos is both leader and CEO in the leading E-commerce site. He played an important role in the business having the revolution with new thought of predictive analytics. He is such kind of leader who cares about every customer in the company (Antes Schuelke, 2011). So, it is clear that without strong and effective leadership, the organization cannot be able to get success in the market. The strong leadership grows the organization in the effective manner and ensures the success of the organization. Leadership is helpful for the organization to analyze the capabilities to achieve the goals and to gain advantage by the proper use o f the resources. Leadership provides business objectives to the organization. Along with this, leadership gives the innovative ideas to achieve the goals to earn maximum profit in the market. The effective leadership creates great organizations. Strong leadership helps the organization to be competitive in the operating market which is crucial for the success of the organization. Strong leadership is also important to control the actions and movements of the employees and to motivate them for using the available resources in a proper way (Zhang Bartol, 2010). Comparison of 2 theory opinion Leadership is the essential part of the organization. In each and every business, it is necessary to establish the goals and purposes for the employees of the organization. So, various researchers have given various kinds of theories for leadership. Traits Theory Under this theory of leadership includes the study of the talents of a leaders based on some characteristics. This theory focuses on some characteristics of the leader s such as sincerity, inspiration, awareness of business, assurance and ability to execute the task in the business. Those characteristics make the leader effective in the organization. For the discussion, tow popular theories i.e. trait theory and contingency theory has taken. Further, the leader should have the capacity to operate the business operations. Leader should be courageous and unafraid to ask the queries which are important for the growth of the organization. Further, leaders should have the ability to encourage the employees to attain the goals set for the organization. Leaders in the organization should have the personality of bravery, confidence, aptitude and strong emotional intelligence. There are some strengths of trait theory of leadership (Roe, 2014). Strength The theory has several strengths. Leadership is the composition of leaders, followers, and the different situations in the organization. But trait theory mainly focuses on the leaders. (Puccio, Mance Murdock, 2011). The strengths of trait theory are as follows: Trait theory gives benchmarks to identify best traits of leaders This theory is based on extensive research which is very helpful for the leaders, The approach of trait theory is intuitively appealing. The theory has clear concept that the leaders are those individuals who have the capability to lead the society with its innovative ways, Theory is consistent with the perception of leadership, (Gumusluoglu Ilsev, 2009). The theory points out the important role of various personality traits in the process of leadership as the theory highlights the important component in the leadership process. Weaknesses Having lots of strengths, there are some weaknesses of the trait theory; there is the need to address those weaknesses for effective leadership. The weaknesses of trait theories are as follows: The theory only focuses on the traits of the leaders but it is failed in considering the situations of leadership, The trait theory has no definitive list of leadership, The theory is highly subjective i.e. there is no practical knowledge for leaders, The theory is not useful for leadership training due to its subjective nature, and There is no leadership outcome in this theory. Application Trait theory is applicable in many ways and in many levels. Basically, this theory can be applied to all the levels. The theory has clear directions of traits of leadership which is very useful. Trait theory can also be applied for personality test done by the leaders to identify their skills. Where leaders need to improve their skills, trait theory is applicable there. Issues There are some issues in applying the trait theory in some areas. Due to different characteristics of and followers, there can be the issue of application of theory. Due to different characteristics of the situation in the leadership, this theory is not applicable so much. There are also some factors such as various demographics, and gender in which theory may face the issues. Contingency theory On the other hand, contingency leadership focuses on the whole leadership style. According to this theory, there is no defined way to for the leaders to lead the organization efficiently. The way of leadership depends upon the situational factors in the organization. The leader must be a charismatic leader. He or she should focus on the employees and he or she must motivate its employees time to time. Further leader should provide the innovative and creative ideas based on the situation in the organization. Contingency theory of leadership describes the particular variables of the environment which determine the particular style of the leadership. The successes of leaders depend upon the various factors such as leadership styles, qualities of the followers and the phases of the situation (Northouse, 2013). Strength There is some strength in the contingency theory. According to the theory, there are two types of groups in the organization i.e. task motivated and relationship motivated. This theory is helpful for the organization to choose right leader for every type of work group. The contingency theory analyzes the effectiveness of the performance of a group based on the leadership style and the various situation of that group, The theory provides important tool to the managers to create effective groups by modifying several variables, the theory provides various factors to the management to improve the effectiveness of the groups in the organization, The theory provides a quick method to identify the best potential leader for the organization based on different situation. The theory has least preferred coworker scale which helps the organization to identify the possible leaders in terms of human oriented and task oriented in the organization. This theory only focused in providing the key results i.e. it is flexible enough in adapting wide range of groups, group-leader relationships and leaders. It is focused on increasing the ability of the leaders to provide rewards in the organization (Pan, Sun Chow, 2012). Weaknesses Despite of strengths, there are some weaknesses in the contingency theory. Those weaknesses are as follows: There is limited research about leadership in this theory, The contingency theory has unclear and uncertain conceptualization, There is no description in the theory that how to match style in the leadership, and Due to demographic differences, the theory is not applicable in some areas. Application The contingency theory is also applied in various levels. The theory is also applicable in almost every organization as the theory does not focus on one trait. This theory focuses on the leadership traits based on different situations in the organization. This theory is also applicable in the different stages and process of the organizational operations. Issues Although the contingency theory is applicable in every organization and in every situation but there are some issues in which the theory might not be applicable. There can be different organizational culture, various structures in the organization, change in the system and process of the organization and different experience by the employees which can create the issues for contingency theory for the application. Criticism of the theories Although, there are strengths in the trait theory of leadership but there are some weaknesses also. There are no limits of leadership traits in this theory. There are numbers of studies have been conducted over the past years but findings from these studies were uncertain at times. This is one of the criticisms for leadership theory. There is another criticism in the trait approach i.e. it is difficult to separate the set of traits and characteristics of leaders without analyzing the situational impact in the organization. Leaders in one situation may not be the leader in another situation. Not all the traits help the people to maintain their leadership over the time. In other words, situations in the organization impacts leadership. So, it is difficult to set the leadership traits for each person (Gill, 2011). Further, the next criticism has derived from the above described criticism. There are many researchers who focused on the various traits and characteristics. For example, one author might identify the creativity and innovation as the important leadership traits and on the other hand, another might identify calmness and empathy for the effective leadership. There are various methods to describe important traits f leadership but those methods used to generate the lists of many traits. Contingency theory Despite of having strengths and advantages, there are some weaknesses in the contingency theory. This theory has been criticized throughout the years. This theory has little or no flexibility i.e. it is a rigid theory. This theory assumed that there is a natural style of leadership and it is related to the personal characteristics of the leader. The theory assumed that the natural style leadership is the most effective leadership style in the organization but the theory did not focus that the leader cannot apply the natural leadership style in every situation. Leader would always need to identify the various types of situations and adjust his leadership style based on those situations. Further, the theory is failed in providing the reasons for effectiveness of the leadership in the various situations. The scale of the contingency theory is very debatable. It is very hardtop understand that how the evaluation of coworker can reflect upon the styles of leadership. The contingency theor y does not provide the way of career growth of the leaders (Marquis Huston, 2008). Critical issues involved There are many critical issues involved with the theories of the leadership. Some of the critical issues are described below: There is the issue of gender within the organization. Gender makes the differences to the leadership. Under the contingency theory of leadership, it has been found that women managers are more participative than their male counterparts. Females managers have more communicating leadership in the organization and have better ratings form the subordinates and supervisors. There is an issue of cross-cultural leadership in the leadership styles. To manage the organization in the international market, it is important for the managers to have cross-cultural leadership style. Culture is the important part of the organization and the leaders have to analyze the culture of organization for effective business. It is very crucial for the leaders to build the trust among the subordinates. It has been found that the trust of public is decreasing in business leaders. Belief includes competency, consistency, loyalty, openness and integrity. Trust is very precarious for leadership. Awareness and information can be accessed by the various theories but trust can be gained by leaders from the experience (Mullins, 2010). Conclusion This essay is focused on the critical analysis of two leadership theories i.e. trait theory of leadership and contingency theory of leadership. From the above discussion, it has observed that the trait theory is focused on the various traits of the leaders in the leadership process. On the other hand, contingency theory is focused on the leadership style based on the situation in the organization. The essay has shown the similarity and differences by analysis and comparison. It has concluded that the theories are the supplement to each other to become complete. No any theory is better than another theory as various traits of leadership can be used based on the various situations in the organization. References Antes, A. L., Schuelke, M. J. 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